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Searching for Books/E-Books at W.A.Perry/Destiny Discover


W.A.Perry Middle School Collection

Accessing eBooks –

Students can access W.A.Perry’s Online Library Catalog at Destiny Online.

-Go here:

You should come to the Destiny Discover page.

- Scroll down to eBooks.   Click “See All"

-Select a title and click “log in” *

-Click  “Open” to read book

*Log in in using your student ID number (either 4–8 digits)
Use your six digit birthdate as your password (ex. March 8, 2010 – would be 030810)

*Teachers, you can login in with your FirstName.LastName for the user name and your employee ID number for the password.



W.A.Perry Middle School Collection

Accessing eBooks –

Students can access W.A.Perry’s Online Library Catalog at Destiny Online.

-Go here:

You should come to the Destiny Discover page.

- Scroll down to eBooks.   Click “See All"

-Select a title and click “log in” *

-Click  “Open” to read book

*Log in in using your student ID number (either 4–8 digits)
Use your six digit birthdate as your password (ex. March 8, 2010 – would be 030810)

*Teachers, you can login in with your FirstName.LastName for the user name and your employee ID number for the password.